Tag Archives: breakfast

Brilliant Breakfasts

Breakfast. I don’t need to tell you it’s the most important meal of the day, I find if I start my morning off in the best way possible, my eating habits for the rest of the day will be healthy.

During the week I rotate between two breakfast choices, both are low in fat, high in protein and keep me satisfied until mid my late-morning snack (more about that later).

Whatever I choose to eat in the mornings, I always make sure I never forget my protein shake!

Home-made Muesli

Call me a sceptic, but I just don’t trust the cereal or muesli which you can buy in the supermarkets. I always find there are hidden sugars, artificial additives or ingredients which are cooked in a way to make them ‘tastier’ (read: fattier!).

The only way to avoid any added extras you don’t want to consume is to make the muesli yourself from scratch.

I really enjoy this process as it allows me to monitor what’s going into the muesli and I can change up the recipe each time!

I am an advocate for keeping ingredients raw – that means not toasting the nuts or the oats. I enjoy the simple flavour and have found this to be one of my favourite meals.

I have ½ a cup of the muesli and add a few organic frozen blueberries and natural un-sweetened low fat yoghurt. If you find this a bit dry, add a dash of skim milk.

The yoghurt gives my body the protein it requires and the Low-GI oats provide me with slow-burning energy to get through the morning.

My favourite muesli combination is plain rolled oats, desiccated coconut, roughly chopped almonds, pecans, walnuts, macadamias and dried apricots – try it, I promise you’ll be hooked!

Scrambled Eggs

A very high-protein breakfast indeed and super convenient if you’re short on time in the mornings.

I simply heat up a non-stick pan and crack two eggs straight in, then scramble the eggs with a wooden spoon.

Once the eggs are just cooked, I transfer them onto a bed of raw baby spinach on a plate and season with salt and pepper.

Easy, filling and healthy!

No added milk or cream, if you use free-range organic eggs the flavour is just delicious and satisfying without these added extras.

Remember: Don’t ever skimp on breakfast – it kick starts the metabolism and if you start the day healthy, you’ll finish it healthy.

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